Reverse Variegated Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’

Swedish Ivy Care

Pothos are known to go by many names like devils ivy because they are hard to kill and rather easy plants to care for and maintain - especially for beginners! But they are not as basic as you think and come in many different colors. And while they can thrive In many different environmental situations and purify the air but they can also be very toxic when ingested.

Plectranthus background

Physical id characteristics/ Morphology

Environmental requirements


Fertilizer requirements

Pest, disease, and other issues

Pruning and Propagation

Plectranthus Background

The Tale of Devils Ivy

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

How to Identify Swedish Ivy

Plectranthus verticillatus Morphology


  • Form: Simple

    • A singular leaf blade that is never divided into smaller leaflet units

  • Shape: Ovate or Ovatus

    • egg shaped leaf with a tapering point and broader end at the base near petiole

  • Apicies: Acute

    • Pointed tip, having a short sharp apex thats less than a 90 degree angle

  • Base: Attenuate or Attenuatus

    • When leaf tissue tapers down petiole to a narrow base with leaf material on either side of the petiole

  • Margin: Crenate or Crenatus

    • Wavy toothed, like dentate but with more round teeth, Toothes with teeth rounded at their apex

  • Venation: Pinnate

    • Secondary veins paired opposite eachother

  • Texture: Soft, flexible, and waxy

  • Arrangement: Opposite

    • When two leaves comes from the same stem at the same level on opposite sides of the stem

Inflorescence Morphology

  • Inflorescense Type: Verticillaster

    • A mixed infloresence made up of flowers arranged around an axis attached by pedicils

      • Gives the sense of a false whorl

      • Flowers are arranged to give the look of a whorl but in reality it is opposite axillary cymes

  • Flower Type: Perfect flower

    • Has both stamen and pistils

  • Ovary Position: Superior

    • Flower type in which sepals, petals, and stamens are attached below the ovary to the receptacle 

      • Also described as a hypogynous flower

  • Flower/Corolla shape: Bilabiate (two lipped)

    • Irregular flower with and upper lip and lower lip

    • Upper lip is longer than lower lip 

    • Zygomorphic Flower - Bilateral symmetry or being able to be divided into 2 equal halves on only one plane through central axis

    • Typical of the Lamiacease family

    • Sympetalous - When petals unite alng their margin to form a tubular flower

Growth habit/Form

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


  • Bright indirect light ( 1000 - 2000 footcandles), prefers real sunlight but can handle artificial

  • Water when top inch or 2 of soil is dry, let dry down between waterings

  • Description text goes here
  • Item description
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  • Flower usually in the summer

  • White to pale purple flowers

  • Trim flowers after bloom to encourage new growth and keep plant from looking leggy

  • Flower during short days of the year (Around July)

  • Flowers do not have a scent but being part of the mint family the foliage usually is usually aromatic

Fertilizer Requirements

  • Newly bought or recently uppoted plants don’t need fertilizer for the first year

  • You want a high Nitrogen to promote foliage growth and a high rate of potassium to promote and develop a healthy root system

  • If in active growth (summer months) fertilize Once a month or use a long-lasting slow-release fertilizer like Osmocote Plus (15-9-12)

    • Kelated Iron

  • You can also use indoor plant fertilizer Every 2 to 3 weeks 

  • Miracle grow liquid all purpose plant food is also a good option (12-4-8) 

  • Avoid fertilizing during fall and winter

Pests, Disease, and Other Issues

Mealy Bugs

Spider Mites

Fungas Gnats

Root Rot

Leaf Spot

Pruning and Propagating

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.