Aloe Vera - Aloe Barbadensis 'Miller'


6-inch pot

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6-inch pot

6-inch pot

  • Water Moderate to low watering, allow to dry down between watering’s, too much dry down can lead to dark lesions

    Light Enjoys semi-shade or bright indirect light, can’t handle full sun or it will sunburn foliage

    Temperature Warmth-loving plant that thrives at 75 and higher

    Humidity Prefers a dry environment

    Toxicity Not toxic to humans topically, Toxic when ingested by humans and mildly toxic to cats and dogs

    Maintenance Low maintenance level, thrives with little attention

Quick Facts

Common Names: Aloe Vera

Latin Name: Aloe barbadensis ‘miller’

The Aloe Vera plant has been and continues to be a staple houseplant. The large succulent leaves offer a contrasting texture to traditional tropical houseplants. Growing in a rosette form, mature plants may sprout long yellow flower stalks from the axillaries in the wintertime. Aloe latex can be used as a topical to treat burns and sunburns making it a great plant to have on hand in your home.

Full Aloe barbadensis ‘miller’ care instructions coming soon