Split-Leaf Philodendron / Monstera - Monstera deliciosa
8-inch gallon pot
8-inch gallon pot
8-inch gallon pot
Water Enjoys a thorough watering every week or 2 and can handle moist soil
Light Bright indirect sunlight preferred to mimic its natural habitat of being an understory plant and climbing trees
Temperature Prefers temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees and does not like sudden drops in temperature
Humidity Loves high humidity and prefers a room with a humidifier
Toxicity All parts of this plant are poisonous when eaten/consumed, Poisonous to dogs, cats, and humans but not necessarily fatal
Maintenance Medium to high maintenance due to needing to be trellised and have support
Quick Facts
Common Names: Split-Leaf Philodendron, Cut-Leaf Philodendron
Latin Name: Monstera deliciosa
This beautiful vining hemi-epiphyte is an understorey plant that grows up trees in its natural environment. Although it may have similar characteristics its name can be very deceiving as it is not actually a Philodendron. Its large fenestrations or holes in the leaves allow for light to penetrate the plant and seep into the foliage below. As good-looking as it is it can be very poisonous if ingested and needs a lot of support in a houseplant environment to continue its growth.
Full Monstera deliciosa care guide coming soon